Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Recent information on Spirulina Sellers

Spirulina SellersOur Article on Bee Pollen Athlete27s

A bee pollen athlete27s is an athlete who chooses to boost his system and sports performance by using bee pollen therapy. The bee pollen athlete27s will follow a set of dosage instructions set out by a medical professional or athletic doctor. The purpose is so great it can?t be summed up in a quick paragraph.

Bee pollen has proven itself to be quite useful for activity enhancements as well as for sports nutrition. It is known to produce an accelerated rate of recovery and this includes heart rate returning to normal rate more quickly than those bee pollen athlete27s not taking bee pollen supplements.

It was also shown in bee pollen athlete27s who were on bee pollen therapy that their breathing was improved as well as the readiness for the next big sport event. Bee pollen has been documented to improve second and subsequent performances by continually providing energy, stamina, strength and overall enhancement of performance levels.

Some other uses for bee pollen is that it improves fertility, it can reduce cholesterol level, it has been also documented to improve the condition of men with prostate problems as well as provide therapeutic benefits in patients that displayed an abnormal amount of blood sugars in their systems. Low hemoglobin counts have been attributed to the use of bee pollen whether you are a bee pollen athlete27s or not, bee pollen can definitely aid in your general health.

There is certainly no need to be a bee pollen athlete27s to be able to appreciate the miraculous miracles of bee pollen. Menopausal women as well as patients with kidney insufficiency were fed bee pollen and showed remarkable improvement. Bee pollen just all around promotes healing in a wide spectrum as well as a variety of other health problems.

As with any product you ingest, be sure you purchase your bee pollen products from companies that are trustworthy and have a reputable reputation. Companies who process their bee pollen products in the USA and China tend to be on the low grade scale of bee pollen products due to the vast amount of population and industry pollution found in these countries.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across -

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you check out our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

John Gibb runs a series of health websites. Check out our Bee supplement guide, for more information on bee pollen.

Spirulina SellersExcellent article on Candida Control

Mon, 22 Dec 2008 15:20:16 EDT
This always means a superfood containing at least spirulina and seaweeds, but the immune food I use most in my practice is what I call I-Charge (Immune-Charge)....

Philips Infraphil Lamp 100w


Monday, January 26, 2009

Healing Info

Barley Grass Powder ReviewsKelp Powder

Sally Hamlin is a mother who has had a strong interest in nutrition for several years, particularly as applied to kids food and children's growth and development. Visit her site at
Visit this website for more Info on...
Kelp Powder


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another blog about Gojis Retailer

Gojis RetailerThe ABCs of Healthy Cooking!


  • Plan ahead for the days you will need to make an evening meal by looking at the activities you or your family have for the coming week.
  • Plan what you will serve for each meal and write it down. Be specific, listing main entr?e, side dishes, and other foods that you will need to prepare and serve. Post this weekly menu on your refrigerator.
  • Consider a two-to-three week cycle of meals. It makes planning easier, and most of us cook the same ten to twenty recipes.
  • Use cookbooks or web sites to find easy-to-prepare recipes and meal ideas.


  • From the weekly menu that you have created, look in your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer to see if you have all of the ingredients.
  • If you are missing an ingredient, put it on your grocery list.
  • Purchase only those foods on your list. Do not go to the grocery store hungry. If you do, you will be more likely to buy items you don?t really need.
  • If preparation time is limited, Consider purchasing time-saving foods like pre-washed and cut vegetables and salads, pre-cooked chicken strips, packaged noodle or rice dishes, canned beans, and ready-made marinades and sauces.


  • Plan for the next day?s meal the night before. Think about what needs to be done and what can be prepared ahead of time. Take any meat out of the freezer to defrost overnight in the refrigerator.
  • Put all the ingredients you need for the meal together in the refrigerator, on the counter, or in the freezer. You?ll avoid having to hunt around for items.
  • Prepare ahead as much as possible. Cut up vegetables and fruits the night before, cook rice, pasta, or meat for the next day?s dinner, or put a casserole partially together. The next evening you?ll only need to reheat certain items, or, at most, have a couple of steps to put the meal together.

Hungarian Chicken Paprikash

3 medium onions, chopped

1-1/2 tablespoons olive or canola oil

6 skinless, boneless, chicken breast halves

3 tablespoons paprika

10 grinds of fresh pepper

2 tablespoons low-sodium chicken bouillon

1-1/2 teaspoons salt

3/4 cup water

1-1/2 cups light sour cream

Saut? onions in oil over medium-high heat for 8 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add chicken, paprika, pepper, bouillon, salt, and water to onions and mix to coat chicken. Cover and cook for 15 minutes, turning chicken occasionally. Remove chicken from heat and stir in sour cream. Pour chicken mixture over egg noodles and serve with green beans. Makes six servings.

Nutrition information for 1 chicken breast half with 1-1/2 cups egg noodles and 1/2 cup green beans: 500 calories, 40 grams protein, 12 grams fat, 5 grams saturated fat, 4.3 grams fiber, 142 mg cholesterol, 721 mg sodium

Reprinted with permission from Lickety-Split Meals: For Health Conscious People on the Go! (ZHI Publishing). For more information about the author Zonya Foco, RD and more free recipes, visit

Allan T. Khoury PhD, MD

Chief Medical Officer

Whole Health Management

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