Sunday, September 14, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Holistic Remedy

Yerba Matewe ran - San Francisco Gate

Fri, 08 Aug 2008 00:59:00 GMT
-- Ten dogs on one leash. -- A man rowing a boat on dry ground. -- The digitized chirping of imaginary birds. This is Avenida 9 de Julio, the often-clogged artery that runs through ...

PHIX ENERGY is a new, all-natural beverage that provides sustained ... - Emediawire (press release)

Fri, 05 Sep 2008 15:12:43 GMT

PHIX ENERGY is a new, all-natural beverage that provides sustained ...
Emediawire (press release), WA - Sep 5, 2008
Tim Ferriss, author, wrote on Twitter about phix, "…a clever new product that mixes yerba mate with green tea catechins and NADH. Timmy likes it. ...

Green Drinks - Plenty Magazine

Fri, 22 Aug 2008 19:15:58 GMT

Green Drinks
Plenty Magazine, NY - Aug 22, 2008
Not so with Guayaki’s Yerba Mate all-natural drinks, which come in deliciously fruity raspberry, pomegranate, and citrusy flavors. Yerba mate is brewed from ...

Yerba MateYou're Being Lied to About Weight Loss


Here are some of the blatant weight loss lies being thrown at unsuspecting consumers.
Well, here it is, late night TV and I'm flipping through the channels trying to find something good to watch.

As I'm surfing the tube, I notice a huge amount of weight loss infomercials.

And you know what, most of them literally make me sick to my stomach.

Not because I despise TV, but because I can't stand it when companies blatantly lie to unsuspecting consumers and make MILLIONS in the process doing it.

But as I continue to promote the truth about weight loss with my personal training business and my fitness website, the truth is muddled in the sea of confusion that's created by companies throwing weight loss solutions at consumers 24/7.

The companies pushing these bogus products will continue to make millions as I continue to fight an uphill battle, trying to shed some light for people as to what it really takes to lose weight and get in shape.

Am I bitter that these companies are making millions?


Am I bitter that they're doing it at the expense of people who really are unsure of the best way to go about losing weight and getting their health back?


I know firsthand what it really takes to lose a lot of weight and get in great shape.

And not once was it from an "Ab Stimulator Belt" you wear at work or from a "Fat-Loss Patch" you place on your arm.

Nor was it from a "Magic Juice Drink" you sip for 2 days straight while not eating another morsel of food.

And now that I think about it, it also wasn't from Coral Calcium or Metabo-Super-Fat-Burning-and-Crime-Fighting Pills.

It sure wasn't from an "Ab-Crunch-Whatever-You-Call-It", you know, the torture machine you use for 3 minutes while watching TV and are supposed to lose 20 pounds in a week.

But as I continue to watch these commercials like a deer caught in the headlights, I almost fall for the best marketing money can buy--the "pictures-never-lie" testimonials.

You know, the old "before and after" photos (as hard as I looked, I couldn't see the airbrushing).

Hey, if it's in a picture, its gotta be true!

And right before I catch myself reaching for the phone to order (chuckle, chuckle) I ask myself "Why is it these types of commercials clutter the TV mostly at night or on Saturday morning?"

Is that when the most gullible tend to watch a lot of these blatant lies and scam products being peddled to them?

Who knows, but Letterman is on and I need to change the channel before I get any sicker to my stomach.

About the Author

Shawn LeBrun is one of the internet's most publised fitness and weight loss coaches. Visit his site to see how he can make this the year you achieve your best body ever!

Topics on Yerba MateOrganic Hemp Shake

Yes, a company might lose a rep or two who moves to another company. But I think that the additional customer business from the 13 million already involved in the NM business (per the DSA) would be far greater than a few reps moving from one company to another.
View this site for more News on...
Organic Hemp Shake

Echinacea Powder

Move Your Body

Exercise is an essential part of your well being and losing or maintaining weight. When working with clients I have found that the very idea of doing regular exercise sometimes stops some people from committing to a healthy eating program to lose weight because the idea of regular exercise, for many, conjures up pictures of sweating it out at the gym or fitness center, lifting weights and doing aerobic classes of some nature or other. Don�t let that stop you from starting a good lifestyle program.

There are plenty of other ways to exercise that do not involve the gym. This could include dance, playing a sport, swimming, horse riding, playing golf, going bowling etcetera. I am sure you get the picture. Choose something that excites you and that you have either enjoyed doing in the past or would like to try out now. To really have effect exercise needs to be done on a regular basis and for a sustained period of time at each interval; enough time to get the heart rate up. It is recommended that any session to be for a minimum of 30 minutes and for at least 4 times a week. This is a good starting point and you can always work yourself up from there. But the idea is to start and start somewhere.
Visit this website for more Info on...
Echinacea Powder
