Sunday, May 18, 2008

Another blog about Raw Organic Cacao Beans

News on Raw Organic Cacao BeansDiarrhea

Among nature�s components which help out in hair loss treatments are the aloe vera, jojoba, henna, capsicum, lemongrass, and Dong Quai. What are these? What good do they bring as hair loss treatments?
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3. Your exercise program needs only three things. If you skip any one of these three, your results will suffer.

* Resistance Exercise. This will raise your metabolism and cause you to burn more calories all day, even when you are asleep at night.
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Optimum Source Chlorella Tablets

5. Really savor and enjoy the treats you choose -- truly special food should be eaten slowly and deliberately. Decide to gain maximum enjoyment from the treats you choose.
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Optimum Source Chlorella Tablets

Raw Organic Cacao BeansProstrate Cancer: The Dietary Connection

Prostate cancer is directly linked to the consumption of milk. There are growth promoters that are injected into cows to help the calves grow faster so that production of meat and dairy is efficient. However, the problem with the increase in production is the carrying over of these hormones and growth promoters into those who consume the products. This eventually leads to too many free radicals, and in many cases breast and prostate cancer.

One of the best ways for cancer prevention is to cut out the dairy, or at least limit it. The problem with this is that if you cut out the dairy, where do you get your sources of calcium, proteins, etc.? Eating a healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables will provide your body with enough of the vitamins, and minerals it needs, and will ensure good antioxidant status, therefore decreasing your likelihood of cancer. However, many do not get enough of those vegetables and fruits in their diets, and at least not in the right forms to make all of the nutrients and minerals absorbable and usable by the body.

Having a balanced nutrition plan is not always easy, but there is something you can do to fill in the gaps. You can supplement your nutritional needs with the amazing health beverage Zija. It is made from the "miracle tree" called Moringa oleifera. This tree contains most of the vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients your body needs to function properly and fight off cancer. It can provide you with more than enough calcium so as to make up for a decrease in dairy consumption. But there is even more to it than that.

Prostate cancer is also linked to unsteady levels of Zinc. Zinc status is important and zinc is protective against prostate cancer. The best source of zinc is meat, but many of the problems found in dairy are found in meat as well. So, supplementing your zinc through means of Zija is a great option. Not to mention the fact that the minerals and vitamins found in Zija, such as the Zinc you need to protect against prostate cancer, are more absorbable, and bioavailable in the drink form of Zija than in meats. Just because meats contain a lot of Zinc does not mean that your body can use the zinc found in them.

Your health should be very important to you, and this does not mean that you should go to a totally vegan diet, and eat all of your foods raw. That would definitely protect you from cancer, but is not realistic for most people's lifestyles. So, a better alternative, and one that fits in the lifestyle of everyone, man, woman, and child, is to use a product, such as the convenient health beverage Zija, to fill the nutritional voids your diet is leaving.

Zija is packed with over 90 vitamins and minerals as well as other vital nutrients including those anti-oxidants your body needs to fight cancer. It comes in a handy can and can be taken with you just about anywhere. It is made from the Moringa tree, and is all natural, and has been formulated to ensure that all of the wonderful nutrients found in the tree are also in and usable in the drink. Even those who are eating a proper diet full of the nutrients they need can't go wrong drinking Zija; it will simply boost your already nutritious diet.

So, to fight prostate cancer, fill your body full of good things, avoid growth promoters such as those found in animal products, and make sure you have plenty of anti-oxidants.

Eric Thorn, a successful businessman, highly recommends the Zija Moringa Beverage to fill your body with vitamins and minerals that are needed to fight prostrate cancer. Visit to learn more.

Raw Organic Cacao BeansBlogPire Productions

Fri, 25 Apr 2008 11:28:03 EDT
... t the bust and waist, a V-neck, short sleeves, and a raw bottom edge. It's available in blue and black....

JJ MINDBLOGGING ( What ’ s Stopping You From Eating ....

Mon, 14 Apr 2008 00:00:00 EDT
... then toss in extra veggies or canned beans at home," says Malia Curran, a nutrition consultant for Whole Foods Market....

Navitas Naturals Launches power food ‘Twisters’ - NPIcenter (press release)

Thu, 01 May 2008 10:40:55 GMT

Navitas Naturals Launches power food ‘Twisters’
NPIcenter (press release), Canada - May 1, 2008
Protein Twister Power is a powerful and delicious blend of pure cacao, hemp and maca whole food powders that are certified organic, kosher, vegan and raw. ...

Thoughts . . . .

Fri, 16 May 2008 15:55:14 EDT
Raw cacao, goji berries, young coconuts, raw organic vanilla beans and almonds, etc....

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